Kukur-chhana, kukur-chhana kothay tui geli
Kukur-chana, kukur-chana amar bari eli...
A sudden streak of creativity in composition brutally thwarted by the only other inhabitant of my home........my Maa!
“ Again you have started off about the puppy! If you bring one, make sure it travels with you, wherever you go….be it office or vacation”.
Alas, unlike many organizations in the occidental world, Indian companies can barely give place for their employees to sit. Never mind the pets!
But what is all the fuss about keeping a pet? Why doesn’t a parent understand that a pet can play a vital role in bringing up a healthy and mentally fit human being!
It is a tested and proven fact that children who grow up with pets are more sensitive towards their behaviour with other living creatures, including fellow human beings! It actually helps a child to develop his/her social skills. It is an aid to building up their self-confidence, non-verbal communication, compassion and empathy.
Sometimes a child (like me) tends to become lazy and inactive. Having a pet can induce the same child into physical activity.
A single child is very common these days. In such cases also, having a pet of their own instill feelings of brotherhood, love, loyalty and affection in them. What they miss in terms of a

As far as I am concerned, personally, I feel that having a pet is as essential as going to school of studies or getting coached for music or martial arts. It’s a pity that my mother feels otherwise. In fact, she herself could have reaped the benefit of taking care of a pet –going on walks with her pet could have helped her to a great extent to beat her high blood pressure and blood sugar, besides keeping her company when she is all alone at home!
May be another day, another time, another life – parents/family members would ultimately realize the importance of having a pet in the family.
And talking about pets – I am not only talking about keeping exotic or foreign breeds. Think of all the homeless and hapless puppies and kittens on our streets – many of whom encounter untimely death due to lack of proper nourishment or road accidents. So don’t just talk about being “soft hearted” or “compassionate” – take a real step towards it – the street animals need us.

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