Nothing prepares us for Death. Nothing prepares us for Love.
We may well take precautions against both, but both, in their due course of time will invade our physical and emotional entities.
Death and Love are different, but then again, similar. It becomes clear if you have faced both. If you have Lived both. Both are inevitable and invincible. They may be loved or despised, but cannot be ignored. You may seek the shelter of Lord to ease the pain, but you cannot escape it. You may read a lot of books on Love and Death and gain a philosophical stance. But then, even a saint, who has renounced the world cannot escape Love and Death.

See, how I started with the order of Death and Love, then re-ordered to Love and Death - unconsciously. Guess still Love in me is greater than Death in me!!!
Death, I understand, is decay. Which is unavoidable. Though un-timely death is another matter. But I also believe that there’s a logic behind untimely death. The three Fate sisters(Clotho,Lachesis,Atropos) sit spinning out, measuring and snapping the thread of life for all of us. They decide the time of our death!
Then again, I do believe that we are all born with a certain amount of energy. It is this Energy that we spend throughout out lives. You can spend a little miserly amount of energy everyday and live a Long life. Or, you can spend a lot of it at one go, live a marvelously thrilling life, and die sooner. Which method is better?? – now, we are not going to sit judge upon that!
I also have a thought that Death is death of one’s hopes, aspirations, dreams. But then, it is often noticed that a dying person still has dreams to live. Then this is a flawed notion???
Love on the other hand, is believed to be chosen by us. But is it also not believed that we Fall in Love, and not Decide to start Love!
So, we can say that Love and Death are matters of Fate. Human beings are only instrumental in personification of both! How rude is that!!! Is this the kind of respect God has towards His most precious creation!!! Shame Shame, Human Beings!! And you say God loves us so much and what all He does out of Love for us, and et cetera, et cetera…….
But some do say that Love is the result of certain chemical reactions within our mind and body. Suit yourself – say anything to make yourself believe that there’s nothing called Fate! Argue, present logics, dissect each aspect of human mind……….but, and it’s a Big But……nothing’s gonna change!
Enough now!! I am confused……why did I start this??? What did I achieve???
Anyways……..bye…..wait for my next outburst friends :-)
A very recent bulletin from the Olympus reveals that Atrophos, Clotho and Lachesis were using a artificially intelligent mechanism for a long time to spin, measure and cut the Threads of Life. This news was being continuously suppressed from the higher authority, which demanded Divine supervision of the whole process.
ReplyDeleteA reliable undisclosed source tells us that the Supreme authority Zeus has now show-caused the Three Sisters, and for the time being the fate of mortals rest in their own hands, not on the A.I. machine as it used to be.